Quorn Village Graves
There are two graveyards in Quorn. One
is attached to the Parish Church (Saint Bartholomew’s), and
one is attached to the Baptist Church on Meeting Street.
In 1981 the Women's Institute took part in what was a national initiative
and recorded all the grave memorials in Saint Bartholomew's and the
Baptist Church. These were hand-written documents.
Using these documents, and with visits to each graveyard, we have
transcribed the inscription on each gravestone and this information
is available for you to download.
Two useful things to be remembered are:
- Many burials did not have stone memorials - they were very expensive.
- As with any transcript, the gravestone transcripts must be regarded
as a secondary source of information and strictly speaking should
be verified back to the primary source, ie the memorial itself.
Saint Bartholomew's Churchyard
The Women's Institute 1981 grave memorial survey has
been transcribed for this section of the website. About half of the
entries have been cross-checked back to a partial survey carried out
in 1966, and the majority were checked back to the monuments themselves
in 2002. Corrections and notes have been made as appropriate. Note
that post 1900 graves are recorded with just basic details, ie not
full transcripts.
The transcriptions cover only the ‘closed churchyard’.
In 1902 an additional area was purchased and consecrated in 1933 –
this is still in use and open for current burials. None of the graves
in the open area are recorded here.
In addition to the gravestones, the interior of the church contains
many memorial plaques and references both in the main part of the
church and also in the Farnham Chapel. Transcription details are available
below. Please note that the Farnham Chapel is still owned by the Farnham
family and is therefore not usually open to the public.
There are approximately 780 monuments in the Saint Bart's churchyard,
and also some in Saint Bart's Church. Several documents are available
detailing these:
Grave entries are labeled with a key to where the grave
is located in the churchyard. The area has been nominally divided
into a number of regions - A to G and the church itself:
[all graphics will open in a new browser tab]
view the overall geographic key - download
section map - download
section A
section map - download
section B
section map - download
section C
section map - download
section D
section map - download
section E
section map - download
section F
section map - download
section G
section map - download
section CH (church area)
are available of Saint
Bartholomew's churchyard.
Baptist Churchyard
The Women's Institute 1981 grave memorial survey for
the Baptist Church was carried out entirely by Miss Nancy Dexter of
Quorn. The result is a wonderful document containing a lot of additional
information. Some of this has been added as notes to individual grave
stone entries on the web site file transcription.
The first part of the Chapel was built in 1770 and the earliest date
appearing on a stone is 1779. There are approximately 180 grave memorials.
Some of the stones (particularly those in Area B) have been moved
to the perimeter.
Post 1900 graves are recorded with just basic details, ie not full
transcripts. Transcription details are available as a PDF file:
download Quorn
Baptist Church Grave Transcriptions.
[PDF - opens in a new browser tab]
File entries are labeled with a reference to where
the grave is located in the graveyard. The site has been nominally
divided into four areas - A to D. Scans of hand-drawn documents showing
grave positions are available:
[all graphics will open in a new browser tab]
view the overall geographic key - download
view section map - download
section A
view section map - download
section B
view section map - download
section C
view section map - download
section D
are available of Quorn
Baptist churchyard.