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A Big Excursion 1899

Loughborough Herald - 6th July 1899.

The employees of Messrs M Wright and Sons had their first excursion on Saturday last, when they visited Blackpool. About 560 employees and friends left Sileby by the Midland Railway at 5.40 am, and Barrow at 5.45 am.

The journey was rather a long one, but time was passed in a pleasant manner by all. Rain threatened a time or two on the road, and a wet day was expected. Blackpool was reached about 11 am., and the weather was everything they could be wished for. All enjoyed themselves as they thought well, visiting the tower, the big wheel, and the sands.

The return journey was commenced at 8.15 pm from Talbot Road Station, all getting away safely and arriving at Barrow about 2 am, to be received by a heavy downpour of rain, a large number getting a drenching. Praise is due to Mr Shenton and the committee for the admirable manner in which the arrangements were carried out, everything going off in splendid style. Thanks are also due to Messrs M Wright and Sons for their kind assistance to make the trip a success, everyone hoping it will be made an annual outing.

 Submitted on: 2009-07-03
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 145
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=145
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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