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Death of Mr Aubrey Gamble of Quorn

4th October 1974 - Loughborough Echo

Death of Mr A P Gamble of Quorn

On Friday last, Quorn said goodbye to one of its well-loved men. Aubrey Pierce Gamble had been a local builder in the village and was a financial director. He died the previous Wednesday in Groby Road Hospital, Leicester, following a severe heart attack. He was the head of a family business in Meeting Street and his father before him, built several of the houses in the district.

The Baptist Church of which he was a member and a beloved deacon was crowded at the service when friends gathered to pay tribute to him. Several ministers of other churches were present - the Vicar of Quorn, the Rev. Rankin of Woodhouse Eaves and Rev P Cooke from the Evangelical Church of the area.

Some had journeyed from Yorkshire, London, Sussex and beyond and they heard the minister of the church declare that they had "lost a friend and a dear brother whom it would be impossible to replace. He went about doing good, for God was with him", he said.

"His conversion was the turning point in his life and he has left a fragrance in this church's fellowship that will linger as long as we remember him."

Mr Gamble was the director of the Church's Overseas Mission Fund and was responsible for maintaining a work for God in Bolivia and up to the time of his death he was also instrumental in keeping efforts in Africa and Afghanistan. Of recent years he joined the Gideons and was responsible for putting bibles in several of the schools of the county.

The interment took place in the Church garden he loved and helped to design, and many who stood round the grave declared their assent to the pastor's words, "We shall meet again."

Since his death, many tributes have come in by letter and telephone to his kindness and generosity. The folk of Quorn salute his memory.

 Submitted on: 2011-09-20
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 1397
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=1397
 Print: View artefact in printer-friendly page

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