Quorn historical image   Quorn Village On-line Museum

Thursday 12th September 2024  

Quorn Friends of Markfield Bazaar

Loughborough Echo - 7th June 1974

Members of the small but enthusiastic group of workers held their annual bazaar in the Church Rooms last Saturday and realised nearly £90 for their funds. The event was opened by the Headmaster of the Quorn Primary School, Mr J Moreton, together with Mrs Moreton and the baby show winners were J Taylor, T Phillips, S Raynor, C Payne and D Downes whilst the special competition winners were Mrs Brewin, Mrs White and A Hallam.

An appeal was made for more assistance in the way of committee duties as for some considerable time their strength has dwindled to only a matter of five or six stalwarts and yet some admirable work and money has been achieved for Markfield ever since the war.

 Submitted on: 2010-05-01
 Submitted by: Kathryn Paterson
 Artefact ID: 791
 Artefact URL: www.quornmuseum.com/display.php?id=791

   Quorn Village On-line Museum
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